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Secure Web site with the most suitable and cheap SSL certificates from major SSL brands such as GeoTrust, RapidSSL, VeriSign, and Thawte. Keep Secure website with the most strongest SSL encrypted certificates such as WildCard SSL, EV SSL, and Web Server Certificates which protects web site and also gain online sales conversions globally.
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Creating Web Site Security with Trusted SSL Certificates

Posted 15-11-2011 at 07:21 PM by rapidsslonline
Updated 30-01-2013 at 03:28 PM by rapidsslonline
A safer web is enabled by SSL-protected sites, as seen with Facebook’s transition to requiring SSL for all applications and Google’s transition to the https standard for all logged-in searches. You may wonder exactly what SSL certificate security is. Well, SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. This protocol is a standardized way to encrypt (i.e., scramble) online transmission. An SSL-secured site uses an encryption or algorithm to encode and decode data. The SSL system involves two individual keys,...
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