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FAQs Concerning Lifechanyuan

Posted 10-10-2011 at 03:37 PM by Lifechanyuan
Updated 11-10-2011 at 07:25 PM by Lifechanyuan
FAQs Concerning Lifechanyuan
Xue Feng

1.What kind of institution is Lifechanyuan?

A: Lifechanyuan is neither a political organization nor a religious group, nor is a company or enterprise. Lifechanyuan is the home of human spirit and soul, which does not set up any substantial institutions. Lifechanyuan make a fusion of their profound wisdom from all of the saints and celestials in the major scientific achievements and different religious point of views, providing a clear way for human survival and development. Lifechanyuan provides a habitat for human spirit and soul, which is the home of spirit and soul of ordinary people who possess good and honest, industrious and intelligent quality. It is a place to make clear the meaning of life, the significance of lifetime and a transfer station for people with perfect human nature to make forward for the high level of space of life.

2. What’s the significance of the birth of Lifechanyuan?

A: Human beings are faced with a huge possible crisis now, which concerns everybody’s survival.The significance of the birth of Lifechanyuan at this time is to help people survive the crisis. When a leaf is withering and falling, it does not necessarily mean that there will be some special event, but when all the leaves are withering and falling, it must mean that “winter is approaching”. Similarly,when somebody betray the Greatest Creator, it does not necessarily mean that there will be some troubles in human beings, but if the majority of them betray the Greatest Creator, their nature get lost, and they become greedy, selfish,cunning and “smart”, it must mean that “the winter of human society is approaching”. There are some articles and information in website, which may help to understand better the significance of the birth of Lifechanyuan.

3. Is it possible for Lifechanyuan to help human beings to survive for the coming cold winter?

A: Definitely. There might come a time when the sun lost its brilliant rays,the moon and stars lost their splendor, and the earth was plunged into a sudden darkness. You would find that, on the first day, people might be curious and puzzled at these. On the second day, nervousness and horrible mood might appear. On the third day, people began to be crazy and out of control. On the fourth day, they began to fight even kill others for food and break down. On the fifth day, there would be no power for water and electricity, and the radio, television, internet, telecommunications would be fully paralyzed. All the cities would turn into complete chaos. People on earth would be like a crowd of flies without heads crashing about in darkness. The parents will not find their babies, and the babies cry for their parents. At the same time, dead bodies stretch all around the streets and lanes. Hell seems broke loose, and cannibalism would become a common feature. A month later, a stillness as of death will hang over the earth. Eighty-one days later, the stars will appear gradually, and the moon begins to be over people’s head again…let’s make such an assumption (please notice the word here, an assumption), if the eighty-onedays is a cold winter for human society, then, who would be so lucky to survive the calamity, to survive in the “cold winter”? The answer is those people, who have entered the Lifechanyuan, would be lucky enough to escape from the scene of calamity.

4. What is the aim of Lifechanyuan?

A: At first, we will make our best to prevent the possible “cold winter” from coming to human world. Once we find it is impossible to attain our goal, the souls of the Lifechanyuan would be sent to the thousand-year world to survive “the coldwinter”, and then they would embrace the dawn of “ a new age” in future.

5. Would it be possible for Lifechanyuan to save all human beings?

A: Impossible.Lifechanyuan can only save one percent of human beings.

6. Why isn’t it all human beings?

A: It is not Lifechanyuan does not want to save all human beings; it is because the majority of human beings are unwilling to be saved by Lifechanyuan. What they prefer is money, power, fame, high status instead of their own life. This is called putting the cart before the horse, and refusing to repent. How can it be possible to save them? And for other people, although they do not dream of much money, power, fame, sex, and high social status, they are under the control of evil spirits stubborn and enthusiastic; they are unable to stay ease to be perceptive. It is also impossible to save them.

7. Then, who canbe saved?

A: Those with spiritual nature as well as perfect human nature.

8. How will you perform the rescue work?

A: Actually, the so-called salving here refers to the salvation of soul. The saving provided by Lifechanyuan is just a kind of revelation. The salvations of soul come only from human being themselves. The key to Lifechanyuan is also in your own hand.

9. How could people get into Lifechanyuan?

A: First of all,they must have some knowledge about Lifechanyuan. Anybody who wants to get into Lifechanyuan must ponder over some questions such as thinking, universe, time and space, LIFE(spirit and soul), human beings, lifetime, morality, etc. Only when your understanding and perception arrive at some stages can it be possible for you to find the key to Lifechanyuan. It is only the spirit and soul can get into Lifechanyuan.

10. Are you saying that Lifechanyuan is the only solution for human beings?

A: No. as long as you have a belief in the Greatest Creator and follow the Tao of the Greatest Creator as well as possess perfect human nature, you would be saved. What Lifechanyuan does is also instructing human beings to believe in the Greatest Creator and follow the Tao of the Greatest Creator.

11. Why are the articles of Lifechanyuan written in Chinese first rather than in English?

A: Buddha used to say: “Your Eastern land is in the Southern Continent of Jambu. As the sky is lofty there,the soil deep, its products many, and the people multitudinous there is much covetousness, murder, debauchery, lying, deception and dishonesty… I have Three Stores of scriptures that offer deliverance from suffering and release from disaster.” Xue Feng says: “Your East land ignore the Three Stores of scripture,the sky is low there, the soil barren, ignore God and Buddha, ignore the law and nature, and the people multitudinous there remain much greed, murder,debauchery, lying, deception and dishonesty. I have Lifechanyuan that offer deliverance from suffering and release from disaster.” China is the most populous country with the most serious crisis in the world. Once China collapsed, there might be aterrible disaster all around the world. No matter in the sense of importance or priority, articles of Lifechanyuan must be written in Chinese first.

12. What is “All religions will return to the origin.”?

A: “All religions will return to the origin” is the unavoidable trend in the development of human spiritual nature and wisdom. It is not somebody’s illusion. “All religions will return to the origin” is not that all religion will return to Lifechanyuan, but that will return to nothing, and all religions will return to the origin both in religious organization and religious form.The theoretical basis of Lifechanyuan is The Bible, The Diamond Sutra, The Qur'an ,Tao Te Ching.The teachers are Jesus, Sakyamuni, Mohammed, and LaoTzu. Lifechanyuan also absorbs the achievements in spiritual field both at home and abroad including the spiritual core of all religions, the wisdom of God,Buddha, Celestial and the saints of human society. The only purpose is to instruct people to break through all shackles in the heart and to accept the Greatest Creator and the Tao of the Greatest Creator as their only faith. Thisis what “All religions will return to the origin” means.

13. According to Lifechanyuan, what kind of faith humans should?

A: The Father honored by Jesus, ancestor honored by Buddha Sakyamuni , Allah honored by the Prophet Mohammed, and the creator of Tao referred by LaoTzu, all of the fourtitles of respect refers to---the Greatest Creator , the psychicenergy , which should be worshiped and respected by all human beings. Only by adherence to a common faith can human beings have a common direction; only by following the same direction can human beings forget personal enmity, cooperate hand in hand, maintain peace and ecological balance, and at last, can human beings be possible to break away from fatuity and enjoy the life of human beings in real sense.

April 1, 2004
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